2020 Park Improvement Project for Fields Spring State Park

Connect With the Natural Landscape at Fields Spring State Park

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The Fields Spring Native Plant Interpretive Trail is nestled within the beautiful Blue Mountains of southeast Washington and features ten native trees, shrubs and wildflowers. With support from a 2020 Park Improvement Projects Grant, efforts to restore this trail, implement new signage and additional interpretive materials will allow park visitors to access and learn about the native plant species. Through this project visitors will be able to identify and enjoy native shrubs and plants such as Pacific Serviceberry (Amelanchier Alnifolia), Oceanspray (Holodiscus Discolor) and Thimbleberry (Rubus Parviflorus) and create deeper connections with the natural landscape.

Senior Park Aide Ann Freeman says, “I am incredibly honored to receive this support so that our native plant interpretive trail can truly shine and show off the best of the Blue Mountains!”.

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